Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

      Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University

                                                           B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1)  2019


Algae Lichens and Bryophyta

   Papaer- 3

Unit- 1

Geneal character, Classification (Smith). Diverse habital, Range of thallus structure, photosynthetic pigments and food reserves. Reproduction (Vegetative, Asexual, sexual)
Types of the life cycle: Economic importance.

Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019, new botany papers
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019


Type Studies
Cyanophyceae - Oscillatoria, Nostoc.
Chlorophyceae - Volvox, Chara.
Xanthophyceae - Vaucheria.
phacophyceae - Ectocarpus.
Rhodophyceae - Polysiphonia
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,botany syllabus
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

Unit - 3

Geneal character, Origin and evolution of Bryophrya.Classification (Eichler); Habit, Range of thallus structure, Reproduction ( Vegetative and Sexual); Alternation of generations; Economic importance.
Types of studies: hepaticopsida - Riccia, Marchntia
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,botany new syllabus
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

Unit - 4

Types of studies: Anthocerotopsida - Anthoceros, Bryopsida - Funaria
Lichens - Geneal character, habital, Structure, reprouduction and economic and Ecologicl importance lichens.
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,botany all papers
Algae Lichens and Bryophyta (botany 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

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