Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU
Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU
Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU Paper1- Structure and Function Chordata Types |
Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU |
Protochordates and cylostomes:
1. Affinities of Hemchordata, Urochordata and Cephalochordata.
2. Ascidian tadpole larva and its metamorphosis.
3. Comparsionon of habit, external features and anatomy of Herdmania and firanchiostoiha ( excluding development)
4. Habit, habitat and salient features of Petromyzon; Ammocoete larva.
Section-B Comparative Anatomy
Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU |
1. Brain
2. Urinogenital system.
3. Alimentan canal
4. Heart and aortic arches.
5. Respiratory system.
6. Basic plan of verteorate
7. Integument including structur and development of placoid scales, features and hair.
Section-C Chordate Adaptations
Bsc Part 3 year Zoology Paper 1 Syllabus in English PDUSU |
1. Mammals: Adaptive rediation, dentition.
2. Aveses: Flight adaptations, bird migration.
3. Reptilia: Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, poison apparatus.
4. Amphibia: Parental care.
5. Pisces: Scales and fins, migration, and parental care.
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