Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University

B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1)  2019


        Gamete and Developmental Biology 
Papaer- 3
Section - A

 Developmental Biology : Scope and Early Events
 2.  Fertilization: Activation of ovum, essence of activation: Changes in the
      organization of the egg cytoplasm.
3.Gametognesis: Formation of ova and sperm, Vitellogenesis.
4. Historical review, types and scope of embryology.
Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1),shekhawati old papers
Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

                                                                   Section - B 

 Developmental Biology: Pattern and Processes

 1.Development of chick up to 96 hours stage. 
 2. Fate maps, morphogenetic cellmovements, significance of gastrulation.

 3. Embryonic induction, primary organizer, differentation and competence.

 4. Clevage: Definetion, planes and patterns of Clevage among non chordata chordates, significance od cleavage, blastulation and morulation.

 5. Embryonic adaptations :

(1) Extra embryonic membranes in chick, their development and function.
(2) Placentation in Mammals: Difiniton, types, classification on the basis of morphology and histolory, function of placenta.

Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,zoology old papers
Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019 

Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,zoology new papers
Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

                                                                     Section - C

 Dimensions in Developmental Biology:

 1.Biology of aging.

 2.Cell death.

 3.Cloninf of animals: nuclear transfer technique, Embryo transfer technique.

 4. Teratogenesis (Genetic and induced).

 5.  Regeneration.

 6. Various types of stem cells and their appications.

Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019,old papers zoology
Gamete and Developmental Biology (Zoology 3) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019

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