Cell Biology and Genetics (Zoology 2) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University
Cell Biology and Genetics
Papaer- 2
Section - A
1.Cell Biology :
1. Cytoplasmic organells:
(1) Structure and biogenesis of mitochondra; electron trandport chain and generation of ATP
(2) Structure function of endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and Golgi complex,
(3) Introduction to Cell : morphology, size, shape and characteristics of prokarytic and
eukaryotic plants and animals, cells, basic idea of virus and cell-theory.
2. Cell members: characteristics of cell-members molecules, fluidmosaic model of Singer and
Nicoson, concept of unit membrance.
3. Cell members transport: passive (diffusion and osmosis, facultative, mediated), and active
4. Introduction to Cell : morphology, size, shape and characteristics of prokarytic and
eukaryotic plants and animals, cells, basic idea of virus and cell-theory.
5. Structure and function of cilia, flagella, microvilli, and cytoskeletal elements.
Cell Biology and Genetics (Zoology 2) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019 |
Cell Biology and Genetics (Zoology 2) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019 |
Cell Biology and Genetics (Zoology 2) B.Sc.-B.Ed.(Part-1) 2019 |
Section- B
1. Nuclear organization:
(1)Giants Choromosome types: Polytene and lampbrush.
(2) Choromosomel organization : euchrimatin, hetero -Chromatin, folded fiber model and
nucleosome concept
(3) Structure and function of nuclerenvelope, nucler matrix and nucleous.
(4). Choromosome morphology, chromonema, chromomeres, telomeres, primary and secondry
constrictions, chromatids, prokaryotic choromosome.
2. Nucleic Acidds:
(1) RNA Structure and types (mRNA, rRNA and tRNA ) and transcription.
(2) DNA Structure, polymorphism (A, B and Z types) and replication (semi conservative
mechanism) experiments of Messelson and Stahl: elementary idea about polymerases,
topoisomerases, singel strand binding proteins, replicating forks, leading and lagging
strands, RNA primers and Okazaki fragments, elementary idea about DNA repair.
3. Genetic code and translation: Triplet code, characteridtic of triplecode, protein synthesis
4. Cell in reproduction
(1) Mitosis: Different stages, structure and function of spindel apparatus; anaphasic movements.
(2) Interphase nucleus and cell cycle: S, G-1, G-2 and M phase.
Section - C
1. Genetics :
1. Mendelism: Brief history of genetics and Mendel's work; Mendalian laws, their
significance and current status, chromosomal theory of inheritance.
2. Chromosoomal mutation: Classification, translocation, inversion, deletion and duplication;
Variation in Chromosome numbers; haploidy diploidy, polyploidy, aneuploidy, eyploidy
and polysomy.
3. Cytoplasmic inheritance.
4. Genetic interaction : Supplementary genes, complementary genes, duplicate genes,
epostasis, inhibitory and polymorphic genes.
5. Multiple genes inheritance: ABO blood groups and Rh factor and their significance.
6. Linkage and crodding over, elementary idea of Chromosome mapping.
7. Sex determination in Drosophila and man, pedigree analysis.
8. Gentic disorders: Down's, Turner's and Klinefelter's syndremes,color blindness,
Hemophilia, Phenylkitonuria.
9. Concept of gene: Recon, muton and cistron.
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